Eat To Excel
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. At school a hungry child can lose concentration in class, have no energy to play and tend to incline more for unhealthy junk foods such as chips, biscuits etc.
Why Breakfast is important
After the night’s sleep, the rested brain needs neurotransmitters that improve alertness and enhance transmission of electrical signals in the brain to face up to the day. A perfect balance of complex carbohydrates and protein is the best prescription for a healthy breakfast. Brain consumes largest percentage of glucose. So give whole wheat flour paratha (either plain or stuffed), porridge, oats, poha, vegetable sandwich, paneer sandwich, Frankie with a glass of milk, eggs or paneer.
Foods and Nutrients that build Brain Function:
Choline (a B vitamin) found in eggs and antioxidants such as vitamin A, E and C are brain boosters and improves memory. Fresh fruits and vegetables are good sources of Vitamin A and C while nuts, beans and legumes are rich in Vitamin E.
Iron rich foods improve mental alertness and energy levels. Green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, beans, whole grains, rice flakes, jaggery, red meat and poultry are excellent choices.
Complex whole grains contain folate and other B Vitamins which help improve memory function and are also rich in fiber
Almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds and olive oil are good in omega-3-fatty acids – an important player in bolstering cognitive function. Mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of ground flax seeds meal into wheat flour and make puris or paranthas, the kids won’t even notice.
Get creative in the kitchen with your kids and engage them in age appropriate activities such as arranging dining table or cutting salads. This way they will learn about new foods and the importance of consuming a variety of foods in the diet. Get creative with a yoghurt- fruit smoothie as an energizing afternoon snack.
Water a neglected nutrient
Staying well hydrated is extremely important and helps prevent fatigue and keeps concentration level high. Bring a little “zing” to regular water with a slice of lemon, lime or orange. This will not only enhance taste but also provide required vitamin C content.
Therefore if you wish for a bundle of grey cells that are agile, capable of out-of-the-box thinking and able to assimilate new information quickly try to incorporate above suggestions in your daily routine.